Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Pee Pee Strikes Again


After the bout of having my girl sleep beside me every night, there had been no pee pee incidents - accidental or intentional - until...

This happened a few days after I got Abraham. She must be very jealous of him and she's doing this to 'claim' me again. Sigh... Meimei... Mummy still love you more than Didi...

Bias... Bias... Bias... Yes I admit it myself.

I was quite angry at first for this but after looking at her I was like... Forget it... She's my honey bunny (I call her that coz she looks like a honey bear when she is standing). She's just letting me know how she feels. HAHA!! Excuses!! I bet I will be those mom who pamper her kids, as if I am gonna have any, and let them do whatever they want even if it irritates the hell out of the rest of the world. Oh no!! Please dun make me such a mom... Aiz... Forget it, its ok even if I will be such a mom... Wahaha!!

Strangely after this incident she did not do it again and she also did not want to play with me so much. Also I am a little sad coz my girl is no longer sleeping beside me at night. It stopped the night I got Abraham. Maybe she thinks I dun love her anymore so I am being very bias now. Sayang her more than Abraham when I am home. I am a bad mom!! But sigh... I think its too late and I lost my girl again...

I bought this dog bed for my girl very cheaply from Pets Station at Jurong Point. Only $8. Its of cheap quality and its only for fun to see if she would sleep on it beside me as the floor is quite cold at night. She promptly peed on it and shredded it. I guess I got my answer.

Meimei... Why you so naughty?? Sigh... Want mummy to puke blood is it?? Aiyah... Forget it lar... Get you a new one when you are done with this.


Jo said...

O no! Now u have to do patchwork on the bunny bed. :/

Maybe over time and after lots of patches, it will look like a new bed! Keke... ;p

KIKILALA said...

Haha!! No lar. Not expensive so will buy a new one. Anyway she's not fond of it.