Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Morty and her Pillow

My girl and her little pillow. My sis in law gave them this pillow. She dun usually sleep like that but it happens.

That night I missed my baobei so much I cried uncontrollably, that night she peed on me. I think she's telling that she is still there for me again.

After that she began peeing on me more esp after I play with Lego coz I think she is jealous of him.

It seems like they are beginning to bond. Sometimes my girl wants to lie by him and vice versa. But after a few seconds they fight. So crossing fingers...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009


This is a photo of my friend Jo and El's baby boy Joel that was taken during Chinese New Year this year. Every year the whole Nafa bunch will go to Sebas' house to celebrate - meaning gamble.

Joel is really cute and its quite funny because Joel will get very excited when he sees things that is round (eg balls and cars with wheels) that he can roll around. In this photo, Joel was playing with a few oranges that, Jess, her hubby Ryan and me were rolling around. Cuteness!!

To catch more of Joel's cuteness. Click here.

Vietnamese Coffee and Drip

Knowing that I am a coffee freak (2-3 cups per day), my friend Linda bought me some coffee and a coffee drip from Vietnam. The coffee is really good!! It is quite strong but does not have the sour taste so it is very smooth and gentle on the stomach. The drip is so practical and easy to use.

Thank you Linda!!

Talika Eyelash Serum

Becky's sister Phoebe introduced an eyelash serum (Talika Lipocils - Eyelash Conditioner Gel) that is suppose to make the eyelashes grow thicker and longer. She is a beauty maestro and likes to try new products and she gives this product the thumbs up. Naturally I believe her and has been trying it out for 2 weeks now (suppose to see results in 28 days). I am supposed to apply it twice a day but I missed a few times. At the moment I can see that some of the eyelashes on my right eye is indeed getting a little longer!! The lower lashes also seem a little darker. I will keep using to see how it goes.

More photos coming up soon.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I can't be the only one who didn't know this!

Today I received a forwarded mail titled 'I can't be the only one who didn't know this!'. It's aimed at all the people who gets frustrated when they are using cling wrap and aluminum foil.

How many of us gets frustrated when we try to pull the foil/wrap out only to find the whole roll falling out of the box. Den we have to put the roll back into the box and grab the box tighter so that when we pull again the roll will stay inside??

How many times have we tried to tear the foil/wrap and the front part is ok but towards the back it gets longer and longer because the the roll keeps releasing the foil/wrap??

If you are reading and thinking to yourself. Me!! Me!! Me!! Then this photo is for you.

There is a small tab on the side of the foil/wrap and if you just push it, it will automatically lock the roll into place. After seeing this pic, my colleagues and I checked the foil in our pantry and true enough it is there!! Naturally we push the tab in to try it and it works!! And its been there like forever and all of us had never noticed it!! All together now... I can't be the only one who didn't know this! Please tell me you didn't know this too!!

Not all of the brands have it though. A quick check at home shows that Glad Baking Paper does not have the tab. I wonder if their other products have it...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Legolas the Elf

Introducing for the first time ever... Legolas!! My new bunny!!

What did you say?? He looks just like Abraham?? Wahaha!! That's because he is Abraham!! I have decided to adopt him despite the fact that my Girl still hates him although I am sure she appreciates having him there (on the other side of the grill). I have renamed him Legolas which is a character in the Lords of the Rings trilogy because I thought that he looks very alert and his ears are standing up just like an elf.

I have not tried bonding them again due to my Girls bout with GI stasis. But the other night while Abraham is out to play, I was playing with Morticia and she slipped out of her cage. She ran up to Lego and smelled him. And he smelled her back. So everything was ok and I thought 'Are they finally gonna bond??'.

The answer to my question is negative and before I can blink my eye or shout 'Yay!' they were at each other's throat and fur was flying about!! I quickly separated them and had to monitor my Girl to see if she will get Stasis again. Lucky she is ok.

A week later I was stroking Lego and i found a hard lump on his side. Further inspection shows 2 bite marks scabs which is caused by Morty's teeth. And I didn't notice!! I was too busy fussing over Morty I did not see that he was bleeding!! Aiz... I feel so bad that he got injured yet did not show it. He is really a good boy. My girl... Sigh...

Sorry Didi, mommy will fuss over you more ok??

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gut Stasis Again!!


Finally its time to blog about the illness that every rabbit owner dread. GI Stasis or Gut Stasis (read it here).

The rabbit's stomach is very delicate and they constantly have to have food in their stomach to keep it moving. This is why rabbits are constantly eating and pooping. They also cannot vomit so are unable to get rid of the fur that they are constantly ingesting due to grooming. When rabbits have Gut Stasis, their stomach system shuts down and food and fur is unable to be passed out of their body causing a massive jam and will lead to death sometimes in a matter of hours. That was also one of the cause of my Baobei's death (of course he had other illnesses which lead to the Stasis - doc suspect liver cancer).

So naturally I was extra careful now with my 2 current bunnies. In January, while trying to bond them, they had a massive fight so I quickly separated them. The next day, I realise that my Girl has lost her appetite and I could hear loud noises coming from her stomach area (gas which is very painful). As it is already night time, I almost did not sleep the whole night with her and in the morning, I called the vet (my regular vet and not the one who saw my Baobei) and brought her there. Their schedule was full but I insisted that she needs to see my Girl and I will wait there until she can see me. The doc confirms that she has gas and prescribed painkillers and drugs to get her stomach moving again. Plus Critical Care which is emergency feed for bunnies.

We went home and I tried to feed her the critical care but it was so disgusting!! The smell made me lose my appetite as well. No wonder my Girl refuse to eat it and struggled while I try to force feed her with a syringe.

This happens for a few days with me not sleeping most nights giving her critical care, water and also massaging her stomach. As she hates the Critical Care, I bought her organic baby food and also baby juice. She preferred the juice but there was not much improvement (no appetite and no poo) and I was getting really worried.

On the 3rd or 4th day, finally she pooped out this small mess. It was a really smelly poo. Den after that it was small poo and finally she was ok!! My Girl made it through the stasis!! I am lucky coz a lot of bunnies do not. Now I am quite paranoid and will listen to her stomach two or three times a day before I go to work and when I come back home. Crazy mama...

I suspect that it is because of the fight and she became stress so it caused her the Stasis so I am not bonding her with my boy now. Their enclosure remains the same but I am not letting them out together.

I would like to thanks Dr Chan from Namly Clinic for taking time to see her and most of all Adeline from HRSS for the advise on how to take care of Morticia. Many many thanks!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The most creative man on earth...

At first there were great artist, scientist, entrepreneurs. And then there is him... Mr Fan, a businessman from Shanghai who designed a beauty contest to decide which one of his five mistresses he is gonna bump off and which one he wants to keep.

Best of all he keeps it a secret and all 5 clueless girls thought that they were in a modeling class. Ouch...

Of course Mr Smart did not expect that there was someone smarter (or should I say more cruel) than him when his cruel plans went tragically wrong and the first girl he dumped decided to end his dilemma by driving everyone off a cliff. Too bad she only ended up killing herself. Exciting!!

(read it here)

Monday, February 16, 2009

OMG!! A kid having a kid!!

The baby that this little boy who is holding is not his brother/sister but his child!! He is only 13 and the girl beside him is his girlfriend age 15.

This story has been making its round on the internet for a few days (read it here) and all I can say is... WTF!! His parents should have just stepped in and put a stop to this bullshit meaning not let the baby be born. C'mon!! Boy don't even know what the word financially means. How is he going to take care of his daughter?? This is how a screwed up life begins... Sad...