Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Presenting Kayden Lu

Finally after many many hours of waiting... I am presenting to the world... *drumroll* My nephew Kayden Lu!!

Well it all started when I received an sms from my brother at about 8am++ yesterday saying that he is in the hospital with my sister in law and they are waiting. After that of course I called my mom and we did some simple plans on what time my parents will come from Malaysia to see my new nephew etc expecting that he will be born by the time I am off work. From 8am to 6pm is 10 long hours!! So I guess it was a safe assumption.

However, when I got to the hospital at about 7pm... He is yet to be born!! And we received an sms from my brother saying "Only 5-6cm now... Still have to wait..." Hhmn... I don't know where my mom got the info that the doctor says he will be born at 6pm+ but that didn't happen. Then we kinda guessed that we will not be able to see him already coz visiting hours is only until 8pm. So we had dinner at the hospital hoping if by chance he might be born within that hour but the answer was negative. In the end we went home.

I received an mms with his photo at about 1.26am. Baby Kayden. 3.190kg. Born 15 September 2009. Finally... I will see him tonight.

He was supposed to be born on 9 Sept 2009 (090909 what a nice number) but he chose to be born on 15 Sept instead. 15 Sept being the customary wedding dinner anniversary of my brother and sister in law. Naughty Boy...

1 comment:

Jo said...

Looking forward to see more pictures of your 1st nephew! Front view please. ;)