Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am a Cannibal...

This post is not for the squeamish...

Many a time, in the quest for beauty, we (and by that I mean me) would go to great lengths from the tried and tested to the downright weird to achieve what we want. This is one of them.

Most of you would know that my sister in law recently gave birth. She had requested that I helped her cook her placenta so that she(we) can consume it. Placentas - be it sheep placenta or human placenta - has long been used to enhance beauty. It's true. Other than sheep placentas, human placentas is also used in many beauty products.

Actual pic of raw placenta has been pixelated preserve your sanity... and your breakfast... Email me if you really have to see the real thing.

The procedure is quite simple. First of all we removed the attached umbilical chord and membrane of the placenta. Next we add ginger and lemongrass into some boiling water and put the placenta in a bowl on top of it. Steam the placenta until cooked. You will know it is cooked when no blood flows out when you poke it. It actually took longer than we expected. After that, cut it into thin pieces and bake it in the oven using the lowest temperature available. We used 100ºC for 3-4 hours. Lastly pound it and put it into the capsules.

So yes, we capped it and ate it... No real improvement in terms of skin complexion and such yet but I can now shout out from the top of the mountain... "I have eaten... Human..."


one little journey said...

i've always thought the hospital has their way of disposing placenta and it's not allowed to be brought home. anyway, i have to salute you to your bravery! i would never ever dare to consume this.

KIKILALA said...

Hehe... Now you can request to take your own placenta back but you must tell the nurse before you give birth. It was so bloody we both we quite grossed out at first. :op

one little journey said...

very brave!

Jo said...

i think swallowing the capsules is a bit less scary than the actual touching/cooking it! but i'm sure you'll see a difference if you dont give up...esp after all the effort - yours & your SIL's 10mth storage - it HAS TO WORK!! ;)