Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I really ate my bunnies...

Biscuits that is.

I bought this Sour Cream and Onion Bunnies Biscuit some time ago. They are organic and without trans fat. They are almost too cute to eat but I finally opened them as there was no point in buying them but not eating them (translate to the expiry is reaching).

They taste quite alright but I don't think they are 100% healthy as there was quite a bit of salt in it. Will buy again in future.


Jo said...

the texture looks a bit like 'Chicken in a Biskuit'...so salty but yummy! ;)

KIKILALA said...

It looks like it but then it taste more... Eh... Healthy... HAHA!! Would take chicken in a biscuit over this any day. :op

GyGy said...

I find the packaging pretty interesting…like more for rabbit wahahaha…:P