Monday, November 24, 2008

I miss my Baby waiting for me...

It's been a week and 2 days after my Baobei crossed the rainbow bridge. I can't believe how fast the wound heals. Although I miss him constantly and thinks about him every other hour, I feel ok now and do not cry constantly. I guess it is true that there is absolutely nobody you cannot live without.

Life has been boring without his cheeky looks and goofy antics. I miss how he waits for me to come home from work everyday at his cage door. Getting all excited for me to feed him and play with him. My Baobei the Manja King. Luckily I have taken many videos of him and I can watch them when I miss him.

Thank you to all my friends and relatives who had given me words of encouragement and have been there for me.

Now I rush home everyday to be with my Princess. She is really lonely and sulks everyday. I made a soft toy in the image of Baobei for her but his eyes is like a Gremlin!! So big and round!! He looks kinda scary at night. Haha!! So I decided to order some real looking eyes from this Australian site Their services was superb and I am now waiting for the eyes to arrive. I have assembled it for the time being for her first and will make adjustment with the new eyes as soon as possible. When the toy is fully assembled, I will post it here.

Princess is ok with her new companion because as the Queen of Morbidity (if there is such a word), I have been preparing myself for this day and have been keeping all his fur from our countless trip to the groomer. I used the fur that still has his smell on it to stuff the soft toy. She's not totally happy with it but she makes do.

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