Friday, December 26, 2008

My Sweet Princess

This post is dedicated to my Sweet Princess Morticia. When I bought her 6 years ago, it was so that she could accompany my Baobei. Because she has very bad attitude (growling and attacking anyone that goes near), everyone loves Baobei more than her. I must admit that I am guilty of the crime too. Everyday I would love and kiss my Baobei but will approach her with caution. Although I love and kiss her too, I know that deep in my heart I love Baobei more.

I think she can feel it too and instead of being nice, she decided that she will remain as she is. Snapping at everyone and peeing on my mattress now and again which made me angry at her. But I did not dislike her. After Baobei crossed the rainbow bridge, we suddenly find ourselves together. Just the two of us. We want to comfort each other but we do not know how.

I try to be very very gentle with her (not that I was very harsh with her before) but she seems to reject me. No matter what I do she gets angry. Whenever I try to sayang her she growls. Whenever I miss Baobei, she pisses on my mattress!! Which is once every 2 days and sometimes everyday!! And I get very angry (coz I will get scolding from my grandma who does the washing) but I don't want to blame her or scold her as I know that she must be very lonely too now that she is all alone. I want her to know that I love her too.

My next thought is to adopt or buy a new bunny to be her friend. After scouting around, I find some suitable bunnies and also was rejected a few times. But she seems to know too and I think she feels angry that I am looking for a new rabbit. Maybe she thinks that I do not love her and after getting the new rabbit I will push her aside. So she pisses on my mattress more!! Her record is 3 times per night and once even on me!!

After getting some encouragement from Adeline of HRSS, I tried to carry and 'groom' her which she seems to enjoy but she hates the process of being carried. Of me reaching into the cage to 'get' her. Also during her nightly run of the room, she would hide under the bed or be in her cage not coming out at all. Den one day I woke up in the middle of the night and realised that she was sleeping by the foot of my mattress. I was very surprised. I tried to get up in middle of the night again the next day and it was the same. Could it be that she wants to get to know me but she is shy thats why she chooses night time when the lights are off and when I am asleep?? I stroked her a few times and she ran away.

Of course by this time I really want to adopt or buy a new rabbit coz I think that she is very lonely thats why she keeps peeing on me but Adeline says that maybe she loves me very much so she wants to mark me as her property. That got me thinking... Could it be that whenever she knows I misses Baobei, she pees on my mattress to tell me that 'HEY!! You still got me!! Get a hang of yourself!!'. Could it be so that I will notice that I still got a baby girl.

Two days ago, on Christmas Eve, I decided to sleep with my head at the foot of the mattress instead. And in the middle of the night, I woke up to see her sitting beside my mattress staring at me!! My Princess!! I think she loves me!! I sayang her back and on Christmas night it happened again. This time I woke up to to kiss her and to stroke her. I think we understand each other more now. I will try my best and I hope that she does the same.

I am bringing her for matchmaking on Saturday. And I might even buy a bunny coz I fell in love with a poor boy in the shop who has been there for months and nobody wants him. I hope she can find a new friend but hope that she will still let me love her when her new friend is here.


Jo said...'s so sweet! ;)

Actually, i didnt think that the 2 of you just got to know each other better (only)! Keke... Anyway, it's a good start.

Sayang her for me too (coz i'm afraid of rabbits)! So one time will do. Haha... ;p

KIKILALA said...

HAHA!! Thanks!! I will try my best. She sleeps with me every night since that day. She is becoming more manja too. :o)