Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bonding Day 4

Today is the 4th day of the bunnies bonding. Yesterday night there was the usual scratching and biting through the cage. But I think it is improving. Each time they eye each other, they will fight. But after a few scratches, one or the other kinda got bored and will walk away. I found that Abraham dares to lie at the side or Morty's cage but Morty usually lie with her butt towards him I hope it means they are accepting each other. I will wait and see.

Taken this morning before work and after some scratching.

Last night, Morty was very very manja. Sleeping with me all the way. So sweet. :op I think she knows now that I love her all along.


Jo said...

What's that thing covering Abraham? I hope there's more good news... Coz you can really give Abraham a good bunny home. He deserves this much (esp from his sad past). Jia you, Abraham & MeiMei! ;)

KIKILALA said...

Thats a wooden house for him to hide in when he is scared. :o)

Uin said...

me lar hahaha

Unknown said...

wow, didn't know keeping rabbit got some much knowledge too...I tot they are easy, and very gentle :P

Well, I know you will give them both a good home...hope they treat each other nicer...

KIKILALA said...

No!! No!! Rabbits needs lots of attention. I will take good care of them. Thanks!! :op