Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Floating white rubber rings...

No!! No!! I did not go swimming and used white rubber floats neither did I rescue some drowning person at sea.

I was refering to the rubber bands around my braces. I just went for tightening on 18 December. Usually they give me transparent rubber band. This time the nurse asked me what colour I want. I said since mine is ceramics, I guess it will be white. And she gave me really white bands!! They are so obvious!! Looks like they are floating around my mouth!!! The nurse is new and I did not asked... So what can I say... Here they are...

It is so weird not to mention ugly and unflattering to show my whole face with my teeth exposed at close range so I have cropped the pic.


Unknown said...

Hey, how did you ever how to link your friend's blog with their posting updated...??

Jo said...

Haha... now i know what u meant... ;p