Tuesday, March 3, 2009


People who knows me well will know that I am actually a bookworm. I remember when we were young, my parents used to dump my brothers and me at the library while they go about running errands. At first it was boring and we did not really do anything there but in the end we decided what the heck and began exploring. And thus began our love affair with books.

Maybe its due to the fact that I grew up with brothers, I tend to favour storybooks for boys more. My favourite being The Hardy Boys. I remember having bought a few too but my father gave it away when I was in Melbourne!! I was quite angry when I found out.

Many years passed and I began reading other books. Stephen King, Anne Rice, Amy Tan and assorted witchcraft and paranormal stuff. Den I got into recipe books, craft and comics. Den one day all of a sudden, I see a Hardy Boys book at the book shop. Bought it and wham! the old feeling comes back and I am hooked again. Too bad they only have the early teen version at the shops. The story when Frank and Joe are solving crimes with their chum Chet. It was written at a time when there is no internet or mobile phones and they seem quite ok when we were young. Now its still good in a wholesome kinda way but we much prefer the updated version called Casefiles where people die and there are internet and terrorist.

One day while aimlessly walking about (Hey!! I am single I do that often), I chanced upon a second hand bookshop that sells a lot of Hardy Boys and I dug for hours trying to lay my hands on all of them. They are not expensive. About $2 - $3.50 per book. So I bought a lot of it. My brother was so happy when he saw it and has been reading it with me ever since.

This is just 30%-40% of what I bought. The single one that I want the most is Brother Against Brother (The Hardy Boys Casefiles #11) which I have not been able to find. I want it!!!!!!! I want!! I want!!

Also a recent read for me is American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. Due to the fact that my crush of the moment is Christian Bale. I have seen this movie before but I thought I should read the book as well.

I also got Cher to get the movie for me from HK. Thanks Cher for lugging it back for me!! Domo Arigato!!


Jo said...

Yeah, i remember that - The Hardy Boys! Also happening at that time are Nancy Drew, Enid Blyton...and i forgot what else. ;p

For me, i love The Caravan Family ;)

KIKILALA said...

Yeah I love Nancy Drew, The Famous Five, Encyclopedia Brown. So many!! But I have not read The Caravan Family before. Must go and search net liao.

one little journey said...

i used to read a lot more before the era of msn, internet shopping, blogging...
(shifting all the blame to technology :-p)

Unknown said...

Yup yup, I read Hardy boys & the famous five. Oh nancy drew are for girls...BTw, recently (2007) they remake Nancy drew, but sadly its a flop...

KIKILALA said...

Alynn – Hehe!! Yeah, now it is all surfing the internet and finding info with a snap of the fingers and less going through the encyclopedia. HAHA!! Good and bad lar.

Noise – You read Hardy Boys too?? Hehe!! Looks like it is a favourite eh??