Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To cut the cake and slice the throat...

Yesterday – 30th March – is my brother's birthday. It started out as a normal working day. I wanted to sms him HAPPY BIRTHDAY but it was a very busy day so I forgot. In the evening, I met Ms U to shop around Tiong Bahru and we had Qiji and Mcdonalds before going to TS.

Suddenly I remembered I forgot to sms him and he answered in a sulking way that I had forgotten its his birthday and to make up for it I must get him a cake. Haha!! He was kidding of course (I suspect its just his way of officially getting to eat cake since he is a snacks glutton) but I bought a cake anyways. I got him the Bengawan Solo Mango Cake which is fast becoming the birthday cake of choice for everyone in my family. At home we had a little sing song cut cake ceremony and everyone had cake. Then we chatted and kid each other for a bit before retiring for the night.

If you think thats the end of my 'eventful' day then you are wrong. After cake, I went to the kitchen and was greeted by this sight...

My grandma had washed my Baobei doll and hung him by his ears on the window grill!! I rushed to touch it and the hair inside has become slightly clumpy and there is no Baobei smell anymore!! I stood there glued to the floor and I thought "Can I kill my grandma now?? Is this why seemingly normal people fly off the handle and gun down their family members in the middle of the night??" My brother came in to the kitchen and asked me what's wrong and I pointed at the doll and he goes 'Oh.. My condolences...".

I did not wake my grandma up of course. What's the use right?? What's done cannot be undone but I scolded her anyway this morning. She said that since my bunnies have bonded there is not use for the doll anymore and that he was really dirty with hair and hay. I said (without shouting I swear) "Meimei don't need it anymore but I want him for myself". She realised what she had done so she kept quiet. As for me... I really have nothing to say... Good intentions. Yes. Dumb act. Yes. Irreversible. Yes.


Jo said...

Haha... I remember my family used to buy this cake for most birthdays too. Maybe becoz it's a healthier choice esp for my parents. It's not very sweet too. AND who doesnt like mangoes, right?! I still remember this jelly part somewhere inside... ;p

And about Baobei doll...at least Baobei's fur is still inside. There's nothing you can do now, I guess. Although i know i will SCREAM too...and curse... :/

Your handsome brother is right... My condolences too.

KIKILALA said...

Yeah I guess everyone like Mangoes. My whole family do. Haha!!

About Baobei doll... Yeah I screamed a bit. Curse a bit (inside my heart). Den bang my head against the wall a bit (kidding ;op). Den... There is nothing I can do... Sigh...

Hehe... Handsome ar?? Ok lar...