Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To cut the cake and slice the throat...

Yesterday – 30th March – is my brother's birthday. It started out as a normal working day. I wanted to sms him HAPPY BIRTHDAY but it was a very busy day so I forgot. In the evening, I met Ms U to shop around Tiong Bahru and we had Qiji and Mcdonalds before going to TS.

Suddenly I remembered I forgot to sms him and he answered in a sulking way that I had forgotten its his birthday and to make up for it I must get him a cake. Haha!! He was kidding of course (I suspect its just his way of officially getting to eat cake since he is a snacks glutton) but I bought a cake anyways. I got him the Bengawan Solo Mango Cake which is fast becoming the birthday cake of choice for everyone in my family. At home we had a little sing song cut cake ceremony and everyone had cake. Then we chatted and kid each other for a bit before retiring for the night.

If you think thats the end of my 'eventful' day then you are wrong. After cake, I went to the kitchen and was greeted by this sight...

My grandma had washed my Baobei doll and hung him by his ears on the window grill!! I rushed to touch it and the hair inside has become slightly clumpy and there is no Baobei smell anymore!! I stood there glued to the floor and I thought "Can I kill my grandma now?? Is this why seemingly normal people fly off the handle and gun down their family members in the middle of the night??" My brother came in to the kitchen and asked me what's wrong and I pointed at the doll and he goes 'Oh.. My condolences...".

I did not wake my grandma up of course. What's the use right?? What's done cannot be undone but I scolded her anyway this morning. She said that since my bunnies have bonded there is not use for the doll anymore and that he was really dirty with hair and hay. I said (without shouting I swear) "Meimei don't need it anymore but I want him for myself". She realised what she had done so she kept quiet. As for me... I really have nothing to say... Good intentions. Yes. Dumb act. Yes. Irreversible. Yes.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bonding Day Infinity

After letting my bunnies out to interact with no casualties, I decided to just lump them together into Meimei's cage to see how it goes. At first there was butt sniffing and lots of chasing around. Den suddenly Meimei turn around and Didi...

... started grooming her!!

MY BUNNIES HAVE BONDED!!! Finally!! They are still trying to get used to living in the same area but they are bonded!!

Canon Ixus 95 IS

Yesterday, I went to Courts to get a new camera. The reason for buying is that my Powershot A80 is already dead for some months. The camera that I had been using is my dad's Samsung which we bought for him. However the quality really sucks. Another reason is although I know that my dad wants to use his camera sometimes, he will not bring it back to Malaysia because he wants me to be able to use the camera when I want to. So I think it is better to get a new one. Also there is a promotion during the weekend and I got the camera with a free camera case, a mini tripod, an LCD monitor cleaner and an 8GB imation flash drive all for SG$399. Quite a good deal I think. When I went to Courts JP, the salesman who was attending to me was quite unfriendly and gave me a 'you will not buy' look. I think its because I was wearing T-shirt, jeans and specs and look like my usual blur self (my brother was already telling me that this will happen before I left the house). I asked him what is the difference between the IXUS and the Powershot and he said its the same except the design and battery used.

Anyways, I decided to take a break and went for lunch with my grandma first and I called Ms U and also Zaq to ask about it (Ms U voted for Powershot and Zaq voted for IXUS). Den I went back to face Unfriendly Salesman again. I kept fidgetting with the camera as I am quite used to a Canon while he looked on. Then he walked off as I did not ask him anything else. Den Friendly Salesman appear and I asked him the same question. He was able to give me a few pointers so in the end I chose the IXUS.

The Canon Digital Ixus 95IS is kinda like Becky's camera (the picture and color quality is great). Only a newer model. I got a green one as usual.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hair now gone tomorrow...

After a month of trying to grow out my bangs to prepare my hair for a transformation into a sexy hairdo... I give up and took the scissors into my own hands giving myself bangs again. I think more suitable lar... I fluff up the sides of my hair for the pic. Must make some pong pong fen from a DIY recommended by my friend Noise.

Friday, March 27, 2009

To bond or not to bond... That is the question...

As I am typing this, I am letting my bunnies out to play simultaneously. Meaning at anytime they might snap and bite each other... Its been an hour now and so far so good. A few chasing around but no biting yet... Crossing my fingers... And toes... And anything else that is crossable... Bond... Please bond...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Vampire of Venice

Startling discovery!! The proof that Vampires exist in Venice a long long time ago!! OMG!! I should be there!!

Haha!! No lar... A skeleton was found with a brick in its mouth. According to legend, this is what olden people do to suspected vampires so they would starve to death. Hmmm... I hope they also nailed many parts of the vampire to the coffin though coz if they did not... Vampire wakes up in the night. Raise one pale arm, remove the brick from its mouth and it is back in business... At least less obvious than dragging a coffin around which it is nailed to. No??

Haha!! Nowadays there are many explanation for vampirism that ancient people are not aware of. Premature burial, being sick in the body or being sick in the mind to name a few. And who gets my vote for being the coolest vampire ever?? *drumroll* Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Bite me please... Master...

(read it here)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



On Friday the 13th this month, my friend Ms U ask me to go to the Singapore Arts Museum with her to view an exhibition by some Korean artist titled KoreanArt. Apparently these Korean artist are quite prominent and their pieces may have quite high value that the higher management of a certain auction house even flew to Singapore to see the exhibition.

After viewing I would say that the exhibition is indeed very good (my only complain is the the museum is freezing!! Maybe they need to maintain the paintings thats why the low temperature?? No??). I wouldn't say I agree with all of them. Some of them have a concept but some of them are based on painstaking skills. The two of them that I really like is...

Suh Do Ho
This floor installation consist of many small figurines holding up an acrylic sheet. The installation is supposedly strong enough for visitors to walk on but of course in this exhibition, it is fenced up.

Ik-Joong Kang
This piece consist of many 3x3 inch miniature canvases that the artist carried and drew when he was traveling around so each piece is unique to the time and event when it was created.

No prize for guessing who my date for the evening is. We had dinner at the Kopitiam beside Hotel Rendezvous and all I can say is... Give the dim sum a miss next time you are there.

Wild Wild Wet

On Saturday, we went to Downtown East as planned. To beat the crowds (and grab the limited parking lots) we went really early at about 10.30am. Immediately after reaching Downtown East, we went to collect the goodie bags for the event. It was a reusable bag (everyone is giving away one of those these days) with a mat inside. A mat that we can use then or for future picnics. There are 3 colours to choose from. Red, Green and Blue. I chose green of course.

After that we hit the free Milo van where they serve the best Milo in town. I dun know why but Milo from the Milo van is always the best. We used to drink it many times during school sports day. Hehe... Then my cousin went to queue for the free popcorn and cotton candy.

Next is Wild Wild Wet where we did not take any photos. Yes I did wear a bikini and no, nobody even took a second glance coz there were many bikini babes there. We all got a mean tan now eventhough we applied a sunblock of 70 SPF!! Sigh...

After that we had lunch with vouchers also provided by NHG. I guess they must have spent a fortune on this Family Day as everything seems to be free. Then we went to the Escape Theme Park which is like a carnival with assorted games like Viking, Bumper Car, Go Kart etc. Unfortunately all these are closed due to the rain so my cousin and I went to the Haunted House which is open. My parents and sis in law stayed outside to wait for us. It was not scary at all coz there were many people inside so it was kinda anti climax.

It was a fun but tiring day...

They have an umbrella dispenser. Cool!! We need this in town. Super double cheese takoyaki. Free cotton candy.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Heritage Tour

Yesterday I went to Malacca for a presscheck with my boss. As it is the school holidays, she decided to bring her daughter Anastasia along. Because the drama Little Nyonya is all the rage now, there are loads of Singaporean in Malacca at the moment taking in the sights.

My dad drove us up and I asked my mom to go as well in case Anastasia feels weird alone with my dad. Little did I expect that she gets along better with my dad and they were walking hand in hand on the streets looking into every nook and corner.

We joined them at Junker Walk at around 4.40pm for nyonya chendol and laksa. Then we walked around a bit before going back to singapore.
Natural sights I saw on my trip to Malacca.
A double rainbow, 500 yrs old broken pottery that was dug up during the construction of the water feature (the small centrepiece actually had a rabbit motif on it), a funny bug and the distant sunset as we left Malacca. The world is wonderful...

Siapa mahu Ramli??

When we were young, every end of the year school holiday is spent in Penang at my grandparent's place. Every night without fail we will go to the corner shop to get supper of Ramli burgers. Its basically burger Malay style. We would always order the Burger Lembu Spesial (meaning Special Beef Burger).

The vendor will fry the patty with some curry powder and worcestershire sauce. Crack an egg and spread it really thin, put the patty in the middle and wrap the patty with the egg.

In Singapore, we can only get this Burger when there is a Pasar Malam. Whenever there is a Pasar Malam, I will surely buy one back for dinner.

Ah... The simple things in life...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Potty for my new baby...

It must be made known that bunnies must eat a lot of hay for the good of their digestive track. Its been a few months since I got Lego and he is not a big hay fan. A few days after I got him, I bought a round metal hay rack for him so that he can eat and play at the same time. It did not work our really well of course as the hay kept falling onto the floor and makes a mess of everything.
First two pic is the hay rack which I will give to Jawskie. Dun waste it lying around unused mar... The third pic is my Meimei's potty and the big pic is Lego's rack now. I tied it down so he will not turn it over.

I went to Daiso to get the hay rack that I got for my Baobei and Meimei last time that can be clipped onto their potty (you cannot imagine how many potties I have changes in the course of finding the perfect potty and the one I have now for Meimei is perfect). But den I have to get the same size potty which is only sold at Adeline's place.

So now Lego have to make do with the smaller potty with the hay rack tied to the side of his enclosure until further notice (which means mama getting her lazy ass to Adeline's shop which hopefully is still open to get it). I also am putting this off because I still hope that they will get along one day and they can be moved to the same enclosure and share the same potty. If that happens, I will then have 2 potties. Hmmm...

As for their progress, I can say that they are now tolerating each other's presence and they don't mind grooming in front of each other which I am told is a good sign. My Meimei however is still snuggling and grooming the Baobei doll. Everyday...

Sigh... I miss him too...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


3 days ago, while surfing on youtube, I saw a flashing ad on the side that advertises an online dating site called SingaporeLoveLinks.com.

All of a sudden, the words Why don't you give it a try?? You don't want to stay single for the rest of my life right?? started flashing through my mind. So I decided to sign up just for fun. To see if anyone would be interested in me since I have been single forever. I don't expect to find a lover on the site but at least I can make some friends. Also I realise that a man is not gonna just fall from the sky into my lap so i must take some initiative to meet more people

Amazingly i got quite a few 'Someone is interested in YOU' msgs immediately. I did not reply at first and went over the site exploring what are the options. After 2 days of exploring, I find that a lot of the guys who sent me the interested msgs were always online. Like 24 hrs a day. Hmmm... That does not sound good. So I ignored them and only replied those who seem slightly more sincere in finding friends rather than an opportunity.

I found out that this site also has another option where paying members can talk to potential friends using something like msn. In the 3 days quite a few guys 'chatted' with me too but it seems quite disappointing though. Typical conversation goes like this:-

Mr A: Hi
Kikilala: Hihi
Mr A: Do you do sports??
Kikilala: Not really.
Mr A: Oh. You dun like soccer??
Kikilala: Only the cute boys. (*being humourous here)
Mr A: Oh...
(Mr A closed chat box)

Mr B: Hi! Can you be my friend??
Kikilala: Hihi
Mr B: I am lonely wanna meet??
Mr B: I am lonely wanna meet??
Mr B: I am lonely wanna meet??
(I close chat box)

And all conversation that lasted longer eventually leads to this question:-

Mr C: How many boyfriends have you had in the past??
Kikilala: None
Mr C: Does that mean you have never been intimate/have sex with a man before??
Kikilala: Yeah.
Mr C: Oh...
(silence for some time before conversation continues)

Actually I know some friends who had successfully met their other half on online sites. But it seems it is not really as I expected here. Maybe its because of my straightforward character. I can't really act sweet or naive or sugar coat anything. I rather be myself.

After I told my ex colleague about this, she told me that one of her friends is actually on another dating site and they are organising a networking nite. She is too shy to go alone so she ask me if I am interested. I guess I will go just to meet more people. Broaden my social circle and skills. My sis in law has also taken the initiative to register us for her company's Family Day at Downtown East this saturday. Her words of advise - Lots of men from my company. Some doctors. Wear a bikini. HAHA!! I guess everyone is more anxious to find me a boyfriend than I am for myself.

Wish me luck!!

UPDATE: While writing this blog, a guy msged me as I was online checking out my emails. Conversation went on about what pets we have, what we do, etc. Den when it is about to end (it is 2pm coz I came home super late), he said:-

Mr D: I am going off, it was nice talking to you.
Kikilala: It was nice talking to you too.
Mr D: Really?? How nice??
Kikilala: ... ( this ) nice
Mr D: Means how nice??
Kikilala: ( this ) nice lor...
Mr D: You are crappy
Kikilala: Yeah true
Mr D: Well nice talking to you bye.
Kikilala: Bye.
(I close chat box)

C'mon. How nice?? How to answer such a question?? As nice as finding the pot of gold under the rainbow?? As nice as getting the last piece of pie?? How nice?? People asking this kinda question just beg to be kicked in the ass. Its like girls asking their partners 'dear do you think I am fat'. There is no correct answer. This kinda questions does not have an answer at all. It should be classified under FBI's Top Secret and buried forever!! Sigh. And getting a guy telling me I am crappy?? I thot I will feel bad but actually I dun feel anything at all coz I dun give a damn what he thinks...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lego and the Papaya

Lego's hunt for the papaya tablet every night. I am putting it on my lap so he will trust me more. My Baobei used to love papaya tablet too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Food made with love... and blood...

A few weeks ago, I went with my sis in law to the gynae. There is a weighing scale at the clinic but after we all took turns weighing ourselves, we all got a shock (actually denial is more the word to use). Because we found out that the weighing scale at home is not accurate and we all have to add 2kg to get our supposed weight!!

OMG!!! 2kg!! NO!!! 2kg!! *faintz...

So it is diet time for me again...

I made Caesar Salad for lunch one day and in my haste (coz I am late for work as usual) i accidentally cut my finger. It was very sudden and sharp. Blood flowed of course but luckily it was not painful. I used this new type of plaster from Watsons called Hydrocolloid plaster which is like a piece of rubber. It sticks on really tightly and was suppose to stay 7 days. You can see that after pasting you cannot even see the wound. I took the plaster out on the next day and it was so super sticky that I tore the wound again... *itchy backside* Lucky not pain again. *phew*

As usual I forgot to take photos of the actual food so I stole this pic from Martha Stewart's site. Mine is not as nice as hers (of course who can beat Martha right??). Mine is the usual anything goes unorthodox variety where I added hard boiled egg and crabstick.

Talika Eyelash Serum – An Update

Its time to give an update of the Talike Eyelash Serum. After 2 weeks of application religiously, I did see a slight growth in my eyelashes. However as usual I began to lag behind and became lazy so I did not use it everyday on my third week. Hence I feel that there was not much difference except I can see that the tip of most of the lashes has really fine growth. It is the growth?? Will it thicken?? Stay tuned...

Also I cannot seem to get the same angle shot from below as I am taking the photos by self.

Monday, March 9, 2009

There goes the music...

The main problems about having rabbits is you have to pay 100% attention when you let them out to play. They have a habit of chewing through any wires, furniture and newspaper they can get their teeth on.

This very thing happened to me yesterday when I let Lego out. He ran towards my computer which I was using on the floor, I blink my eye and snap! he bit through my earphone. No more music...

Didi ar didi... why must you bite through my one and only earphone?? Sigh... Time to get another one. Earphone that is...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Bonding Day Nth

This is the nth day of the bonding process. The bunnies are still fighting. My princess being the more jittery of the two. However she voluntarily lie beside the grill of Lego's enclosure. She can tolerate that as long as Lego does not come closer to her. She can come closer but not he. Sigh. Can I say girls are more troublesome even for rabbits??

There is definitely potential at happiness for the two. I just need to give them more time.

Girl girl mommy loves you very much. Please dun pee pee on me anymore. I am yours ok... Sigh...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Public Enemies

The movie Public Enemies is coming to a cinema near you in 2009. Based on a true story and staring Johnny Depp who plays the baddie and Christian Bale, the FBI agent trying to catch him. Who will win the game?? Johnny or Christian?? Hhmn...

Although based on an era that does not interest me with fashion that does nothing for me... But...

My forever Hollywood crush and my current crush in a movie!! It cannot come sooner to a cinema near me. Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!

Poopy-Time Fun Shapes

For the days when nothing much is happening or you are completely uninspired, blogging can be tedious business. However a quick search on the net will usually yield a thing or two that is worth mentioning and for the world to think WTF!

Presenting the Poopy-Time Fun Shapes for kids. You insert the smooth end up your kid's a****** and he/she poos out stars or hearts. Wow!! So glamorous!! But... What if the poo is watery?? How hard must he/she squeeze to get the poo into shape?? How to clean it after use??

This is of course a joke (I hope!). Another quick search will tell you that there is no info on where to buy this (if ever you are thinking of getting it, I won't judge). Creative nutjob. Makes life interesting.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lug a Tag

Every year I wreck my brain thinking what to get for friends for their birthday. For me, usually I share presents as it is an easier way out and my friends would have thought of what to buy. They would ask if I wanted to share. I say yes and that's all. Sometimes I go along to get the gift together sometimes it is already bought but in all it is not a harrowing experience. For me, there is nothing worse than getting the wrong gift or buying a useless thing that the receiver has absolutely no use for.

This year I decided to get my lazy butt off the couch and come up with something that my friends could use and is special to each of them.

After weighing all my choices, I narrowed down to the fact that all my friends loves to travel and decided to sew each of them a personalized luggage tag. This is the prototype that is going to Becky. I have blanked out part of her address coz I don't think she'd want the whole world (actually only people reading this) to know where she lives.

To all my friends whom I have asked for addresses, you know now what you will be getting from me for your birthday. Hope it is not an anti climax.


People who knows me well will know that I am actually a bookworm. I remember when we were young, my parents used to dump my brothers and me at the library while they go about running errands. At first it was boring and we did not really do anything there but in the end we decided what the heck and began exploring. And thus began our love affair with books.

Maybe its due to the fact that I grew up with brothers, I tend to favour storybooks for boys more. My favourite being The Hardy Boys. I remember having bought a few too but my father gave it away when I was in Melbourne!! I was quite angry when I found out.

Many years passed and I began reading other books. Stephen King, Anne Rice, Amy Tan and assorted witchcraft and paranormal stuff. Den I got into recipe books, craft and comics. Den one day all of a sudden, I see a Hardy Boys book at the book shop. Bought it and wham! the old feeling comes back and I am hooked again. Too bad they only have the early teen version at the shops. The story when Frank and Joe are solving crimes with their chum Chet. It was written at a time when there is no internet or mobile phones and they seem quite ok when we were young. Now its still good in a wholesome kinda way but we much prefer the updated version called Casefiles where people die and there are internet and terrorist.

One day while aimlessly walking about (Hey!! I am single I do that often), I chanced upon a second hand bookshop that sells a lot of Hardy Boys and I dug for hours trying to lay my hands on all of them. They are not expensive. About $2 - $3.50 per book. So I bought a lot of it. My brother was so happy when he saw it and has been reading it with me ever since.

This is just 30%-40% of what I bought. The single one that I want the most is Brother Against Brother (The Hardy Boys Casefiles #11) which I have not been able to find. I want it!!!!!!! I want!! I want!!

Also a recent read for me is American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. Due to the fact that my crush of the moment is Christian Bale. I have seen this movie before but I thought I should read the book as well.

I also got Cher to get the movie for me from HK. Thanks Cher for lugging it back for me!! Domo Arigato!!


Linda and me met up and went for Cher's dance school's open house. There was a few dance workshops and some food and no I did not participate in any of the workshops. The sight of a piece of wood trying to move to the music would be too much for everyone.

After the workshop, Cher and her group performed a dance routine for everyone and boy was she good!! Keep up the good work!!