Monday, March 30, 2009

Canon Ixus 95 IS

Yesterday, I went to Courts to get a new camera. The reason for buying is that my Powershot A80 is already dead for some months. The camera that I had been using is my dad's Samsung which we bought for him. However the quality really sucks. Another reason is although I know that my dad wants to use his camera sometimes, he will not bring it back to Malaysia because he wants me to be able to use the camera when I want to. So I think it is better to get a new one. Also there is a promotion during the weekend and I got the camera with a free camera case, a mini tripod, an LCD monitor cleaner and an 8GB imation flash drive all for SG$399. Quite a good deal I think. When I went to Courts JP, the salesman who was attending to me was quite unfriendly and gave me a 'you will not buy' look. I think its because I was wearing T-shirt, jeans and specs and look like my usual blur self (my brother was already telling me that this will happen before I left the house). I asked him what is the difference between the IXUS and the Powershot and he said its the same except the design and battery used.

Anyways, I decided to take a break and went for lunch with my grandma first and I called Ms U and also Zaq to ask about it (Ms U voted for Powershot and Zaq voted for IXUS). Den I went back to face Unfriendly Salesman again. I kept fidgetting with the camera as I am quite used to a Canon while he looked on. Then he walked off as I did not ask him anything else. Den Friendly Salesman appear and I asked him the same question. He was able to give me a few pointers so in the end I chose the IXUS.

The Canon Digital Ixus 95IS is kinda like Becky's camera (the picture and color quality is great). Only a newer model. I got a green one as usual.


one little journey said...

i am thinking of getting a new camera too. was browsing the net for the new panasonic lumix. so tempted to buy!

KIKILALA said...

Hehe... BUY!! BUY!! BUY!! Hehe...

Unknown said...

I'm got a Lumix too...its good!! But I"m looking at a canon too...maybe a change of brand.

KIKILALA said...

Canon is good. I had a powershot too and it is good too. :op