Friday, March 20, 2009

Siapa mahu Ramli??

When we were young, every end of the year school holiday is spent in Penang at my grandparent's place. Every night without fail we will go to the corner shop to get supper of Ramli burgers. Its basically burger Malay style. We would always order the Burger Lembu Spesial (meaning Special Beef Burger).

The vendor will fry the patty with some curry powder and worcestershire sauce. Crack an egg and spread it really thin, put the patty in the middle and wrap the patty with the egg.

In Singapore, we can only get this Burger when there is a Pasar Malam. Whenever there is a Pasar Malam, I will surely buy one back for dinner.

Ah... The simple things in life...


Jo said...

I'm not a big fan of Ramli burgers. BUT i remembered when i was in Nafa 1st or 2nd yr, my classmates went on an impromptu trip to Genting/KL on the first day of the school holidays. When we arrived in Genting (by coach), it was like 4/5AM...and we cannot check-into the apartment till later the day. Super freezing in the morning!!! And all of us ate a Ramli burger in Genting...and felt so "xing fu"! Haha... So funny this memory is stuck in my head.

P.S. Your then good friend, Leona, was also there. I have the photos packed in carton boxes in Spore. She was still tomboy then. Haha!

KIKILALA said...

Oh is it!! That is a nice memory. Wahaha!!

I think she is back to tomboy now again... :op

one little journey said...

i've never tried this before. now i understand why it's always long q at pasar malam

KIKILALA said...

You should q for it next time. Bagus!! Die!! Die!! Must try!!

Unknown said...

I'm not a fanz of Rami burger too but at 130am, this is making me so hungry!

KIKILALA said...

Hehe... Ramli Bagus!!