Tuesday, March 17, 2009


3 days ago, while surfing on youtube, I saw a flashing ad on the side that advertises an online dating site called SingaporeLoveLinks.com.

All of a sudden, the words Why don't you give it a try?? You don't want to stay single for the rest of my life right?? started flashing through my mind. So I decided to sign up just for fun. To see if anyone would be interested in me since I have been single forever. I don't expect to find a lover on the site but at least I can make some friends. Also I realise that a man is not gonna just fall from the sky into my lap so i must take some initiative to meet more people

Amazingly i got quite a few 'Someone is interested in YOU' msgs immediately. I did not reply at first and went over the site exploring what are the options. After 2 days of exploring, I find that a lot of the guys who sent me the interested msgs were always online. Like 24 hrs a day. Hmmm... That does not sound good. So I ignored them and only replied those who seem slightly more sincere in finding friends rather than an opportunity.

I found out that this site also has another option where paying members can talk to potential friends using something like msn. In the 3 days quite a few guys 'chatted' with me too but it seems quite disappointing though. Typical conversation goes like this:-

Mr A: Hi
Kikilala: Hihi
Mr A: Do you do sports??
Kikilala: Not really.
Mr A: Oh. You dun like soccer??
Kikilala: Only the cute boys. (*being humourous here)
Mr A: Oh...
(Mr A closed chat box)

Mr B: Hi! Can you be my friend??
Kikilala: Hihi
Mr B: I am lonely wanna meet??
Mr B: I am lonely wanna meet??
Mr B: I am lonely wanna meet??
(I close chat box)

And all conversation that lasted longer eventually leads to this question:-

Mr C: How many boyfriends have you had in the past??
Kikilala: None
Mr C: Does that mean you have never been intimate/have sex with a man before??
Kikilala: Yeah.
Mr C: Oh...
(silence for some time before conversation continues)

Actually I know some friends who had successfully met their other half on online sites. But it seems it is not really as I expected here. Maybe its because of my straightforward character. I can't really act sweet or naive or sugar coat anything. I rather be myself.

After I told my ex colleague about this, she told me that one of her friends is actually on another dating site and they are organising a networking nite. She is too shy to go alone so she ask me if I am interested. I guess I will go just to meet more people. Broaden my social circle and skills. My sis in law has also taken the initiative to register us for her company's Family Day at Downtown East this saturday. Her words of advise - Lots of men from my company. Some doctors. Wear a bikini. HAHA!! I guess everyone is more anxious to find me a boyfriend than I am for myself.

Wish me luck!!

UPDATE: While writing this blog, a guy msged me as I was online checking out my emails. Conversation went on about what pets we have, what we do, etc. Den when it is about to end (it is 2pm coz I came home super late), he said:-

Mr D: I am going off, it was nice talking to you.
Kikilala: It was nice talking to you too.
Mr D: Really?? How nice??
Kikilala: ... ( this ) nice
Mr D: Means how nice??
Kikilala: ( this ) nice lor...
Mr D: You are crappy
Kikilala: Yeah true
Mr D: Well nice talking to you bye.
Kikilala: Bye.
(I close chat box)

C'mon. How nice?? How to answer such a question?? As nice as finding the pot of gold under the rainbow?? As nice as getting the last piece of pie?? How nice?? People asking this kinda question just beg to be kicked in the ass. Its like girls asking their partners 'dear do you think I am fat'. There is no correct answer. This kinda questions does not have an answer at all. It should be classified under FBI's Top Secret and buried forever!! Sigh. And getting a guy telling me I am crappy?? I thot I will feel bad but actually I dun feel anything at all coz I dun give a damn what he thinks...


Anonymous said...

haha! the last conversation is hilarious! some people are just duh! anyways, stella, come here!


KIKILALA said...

Yeah man!! You said it!! Come here!! I want to show you the Kampoos Maap!! Wahaha!!

Jo said...

Yeah, these people do seem "weird" :/

KIKILALA said...

Haha!! Yeah. But there are normal ones also. Just that after a few chat nothing much seems interesting so we din talk anymore.

one little journey said...

this entry is darn interesting. i was laughing reading the conversations then trying to think of an answer to reply the 'how nice?'. maybe rate on the scale of 10, just like how docs will ask how pain? or how typhoons are rated?
1 of 10 - nice but i hardly feel anything.
5 of 10 - just nice. cool breeze occasionally
10 out of 10 - super nice! you're blowing me away.

KIKILALA said...

Haha!! Good rating system. Den after each convo I should say.

'Thank you, you rate a ___(fill in number of choice)'. Wahaha!!

Rei said...

Guys these days ARE weird. If you are single, they will ask about your sex history, wanna meet or ONS. If you are married, they will ask if you want to engage in affairs, flings and question your sex life. Besides chatting on internet, Wii and computer games, I guess they don't have a thing called hobby/life anymore.

KIKILALA said...

Haha!! Ya lor. Weird right?? Somemore say i am crappy wor... Hahaha!!! If he ever reads this post he will die of embarassment ba...